Book of daniel antiochus iv

Bible history online antiochus iv epiphanes bust biblical. Daniels prophecies focus on a prince of persia who will come out of the east in the image of antiochus iv epiphanes. Once they were combined into the book of daniel in its current form, the story of daniel interpreting nebuchadnezzars dream, which parallels pharaohs dream in the joseph story, was revised. While the book of daniel claims to be written roughly around 530 bc, critics of the ot claim that it was written in 167 bc, during the maccabean era. Hassler associate professor of old testament virginia beach theological seminary bible interpreters debate the identity of the little horn in daniel 8. In the first six chapters of the book, daniel and friends appeared healthier than the. The fact is that seleucus iv had two sons, demetrius and antiochus. Does antiochus iv epiphanes solve the daniel 9 prophecy. The time and manner of his rise to power were foretold in the book of daniel the most high rules the kingdom of men. Its message is usually not so fastit belongs to god. Daniel 11 may, therefore, be understood as two stories in one.

Antiochus iv epiphanes vindicated new at lacuscurtius. The fact is that seleucus iv had two sons, demetrius and. It is apparent that the angels main message concerned antiochus epiphanes, the atrocities that he committed against the judeans, and the. Notable events during the reign of antiochus iv include his nearconquest of egypt, his persecution of the jews of judea and samaria, and the rebellion of the jewish maccabees. Antiochus and daniels evil king archives from daniel to. Why antiochus iv is not the little horn of daniel 8. His attempts to suppress judaism brought on the wars of the maccabees. In the book of daniel chapter 8, the ram fighting the goat was a very interesting chapter.

He was obviously wanting a one world order and his plan was for him to be the order. This article will discuss exactly what some of the scriptures in daniel 11 foretold, and how they were fulfilled. The prophet daniel predicts an atrocity in the temple in the end times daniel 9. Introduction the symbolism of the horns in dan 7 is central to the visions of jewish and hellenistic history that form the core of the second half. These twelve years spent in rome influenced the young antiochus greatly. However, all the stories of the book of daniel relate directly to the persecution under antiochus. Not only will we see the antichrist forcing everyone to worship an abomination himself, matthew 24. Antiochus iv epiphanes was a hellenistic king of the seleucid empire from 175 bc until his death in 164 bc. It was further supplemented with daniels prayer which creates a contrast between the power of god and that of antiochus iv.

Daniels prophecy of antiochus iv epiphanesextremely. In the rest of daniel 11 except for verses 34, 35, the angel gives revelation of the reign of antiochus iv, who called himself epiphanes. There are many reasons to reject the antiochus iv epiphanes model as representative of t. Seleucid king antiochus iv was to be understood at the time of the. Daniel, book of, a book of the third division of the hebrew bible, the hagiographa, named for a man daniel whose fortunes and predictions are the subject of the book. The antiochus bust discovery is important in the study of biblical archaeology, it reveals an image of the man who was mentioned in the book of daniel. Aug 01, 2012 in the later portion of daniels prophecy, the historical events and wars that took place between antiochus iv in the north and ptolemy vi in the south, bleed into a powerful endtime prophecy concerning the antichrist the king of the north and egypt the king of the south. In the biblical book of daniel, the seleucid king antiochus iv epiphanes r. The arrogant little horn antiochus iv epiphanes in book of daniel.

The book of daniel and the maccabean thesis up until. Nov 24, 2018 other articles on this site have provided documented evidence that the book of daniel was written in the 500s bce, and accurately foretold details of the exploits syrian king antiochus iv epiphanes, who was the king of the north for about 12 years. Aug 30, 2018 this particular interpretation which i call interpretation one was once esteemed as the most popular viewpoint, having reference to antiochus iv epiphanes who ruled during the middle stages of the seleucid empire for a period of time in the second century bc circa 175 bc to 164 bc. A the book of daniel was written in the time of antiochus iv. Antiochus epiphanes was a greek tryant of the 2nd century b. The prophecies of daniel focus on events connected with ancient world powers, such as babylon, the persian empire, the kingdom of alexander, the hellenistic kingdoms of the diadochi, the roman empire. The book of daniel shows that antiochus iv epiphanes forms one of the bibles two templates of the great rebel to come the other being ezekiels gog of magog.

The book of daniel the anchor yale bible commentaries. Come grow in your faith and knowledge of the book of daniel with return to the word radio. If the previous lesson only covered a few verses, this lesson covers nearly two chapters. It should be noted that the book of daniel does not identity the little horn of daniel 8 with antiochus iv epiphanes. Collins, the meaning of the end in the book of daniel, in of scribes and. In the later portion of daniels prophecy, the historical events and wars that took place between antiochus iv in the north and ptolemy vi in the south, bleed into a powerful endtime prophecy concerning the antichrist the king of the north and egypt the king of the south. Antiochus iv and the three horns in daniel 7 journal of hebrew. Daniels prophecy concerns a coming ruler who will cause the offerings to. Antiochus iv is not the complete fulfillment of daniels vile person. Why is antiochus iv epiphanes referred to as the little.

The text describes the history up to and including. This particular interpretation which i call interpretation one was once esteemed as the most popular viewpoint, having reference to antiochus iv epiphanes who ruled during the middle stages of the seleucid empire for a period of time in the second century bc circa 175 bc to 164 bc. The first half of the book chapters 16 contains stories in the third person about the experiences of daniel and his. Critic scholars, therefore, propose that the book of daniel was written in his time and that antiochus iv was the vile person. That would explain why the author is not very precise about sixth century events, why he is so precise about the time of antiochus, and why he was never counted among the prophets. The book of daniel was written as resistance literature, to strengthen and console loyal jews of the second century b. Antiochus iv given the fact that god uses antiochus iv to prefigure the person and reign of the antichrist, we are well advised to ponder the ignoble career of that intertestamental conqueror. The prophecies of antiochus epiphanes in daniel dan. It was crazy in the interpretation of the vision when daniel said that the twohorned ram that represented the kings of media and persia. Antiochus epiphanes is a tyrannical figure in jewish history, and he is also a foreshadowing of the coming antichrist. But then the goat had the four horns, at which represented the four different kingdoms. Chapter 10 describes daniel s experience of receiving the vision and some hints about spiritual warfare in the heavenly places while chapter 11 is a prophecy detailing wars and kings that span hundreds of years, finally focusing on the cruel reign of antiochus epiphanes.

Is antiochus epiphanes the little horn of daniel 8. Antiochus iv epiphanes was the eighth in a succession of twentysix kings who ruled from 175164 bc over the syrian section of alexanders empire. Why the little horn of daniel 8 must be antiochus epiphanes. Jesus spoke of these words almost 175 years after antiochus iv and spoke of them as future, so we know that what was done by antiochus iv in the past is a foreshadowtype of what will come in the future. Prophecy in scripture can often have multiple fulfillments, and in the case of the latter passages of daniel, the abomination of desolation is without exception. Mar 31, 2020 after vanquishing antiochus and the seleucids, the jews cleaned and restored the temple in 165. That would explain why the author is not very precise about sixth century events, why he is so precise about the time. The writer of the book thinks this is the time at which mundane history will cease and antiochus iv will fall from power. Every king we encounterfrom nebuchadnezzar to antiochus iv epiphanes the little hornultimately is humbled in some way, whether by realizing god is above all or by being totally destroyed yep, those are the two alternatives pretty much. And the abomination of desolation mar 9th 2015, 04. They claim that this book was written for the purpose of encouraging jews who were revolting against the tyranny of antiochus epiphanes iv, who was a savage greek tyrant, intent on suppressing israel. Antiochus iv is a type of the vile person, but for the complete fulfillment of the prophecies, we must search for a later and much more powerful evil king. In the 8th chapter, a prophecy about the second century b.

The rise of antiochus iv epiphanes and his assault against judea. Darius the mede and the four world empires in the book of daniel. There are several calculations of the end of antiochus ivs persecution of the jews or the end of the desecration of the jerusalem temple. C the evil king in daniel is antiochus iv, and d the events described later in daniel 11, that do not fit history, are the guesswork of the uninspired writer of daniel.

This led to the maccabaean revolt, one of the most heroic feats in history. When the book of daniel is examined for content and literary character, it falls naturally into two roughly equal parts which may be designated daniel a. Current scholarship surmises that the book of daniel was written in reaction to the persecution of the jews by the greek king antiochus iv epiphanes in. Antiochus epiphanes was an erratic megalomaniac who made it his express purpose to eliminate the religion of jehovah from the face of the earth. God manifest seleucid king of the hellenistic syrian kingdom who reigned from 175 to 164 bc. Chapter 10 describes daniels experience of receiving the vision and some hints about spiritual warfare in the heavenly places while chapter 11 is a prophecy detailing wars and kings that span hundreds of years, finally focusing on the cruel reign of antiochus epiphanes. This paper will focus on the seleucid king known as antiochus iv epiphanes, who ruled over the seleucid empire from 175164 bc. They even disagree on which verses in daniel 8 pertain to the little horn.

Antiochus iv a type of the antichrist creation concept. It is apparent that the angels main message concerned antiochus epiphanes, the atrocities that he committed against the judeans, and the desecration of the temple in jerusalem. In a spirit of revenge he organized an expedition against jerusalem, which he destroyed, putting vast multitudes of its inhabitants to death in. The book of daniel, a book of the old testament found in the ketuvim writings, the third section of the jewish canon, but placed among the prophets in the christian canon. Antiochus iv epiphanes was the eighth in a succession of twentysix kings who ruled from 175 164 bc over the syrian section of alexander s empire. These specific details, prophesied about 350 years before they transpired, were fulfilled in antiochus iv epiphanes.

Antiochus iv epiphanes is one of the greatest types of the antichrist in the old testament. The prophet daniel predicts an atrocity in the temple in. Inadditiontobeing well knownfor his atrocities against the jews that ledtothe maccabeanrevolt,he is alsoa key figur e inthe book of daniel where he is. His career and character are prophetically described by daniel 11. Jun 20, 2017 it should be noted that the book of daniel does not identity the little horn of daniel 8 with antiochus iv epiphanes.

It is as old as the bible and began all the way back in the book of. It not only prophesies the liberation of the jews from the reign of wicked and tyrannous powerparticularly that noted rapscallion, antiochus iv epiphanesbut contains the first and only direct and unambiguous reference to life after death in the hebrew bible. The rise of antiochus iv epiphanes and his assault against. From todays perspective, however, the villain of daniel 8 has appeared. Why is antiochus iv epiphanes referred to as the little horn. Antiochus iv usurped the throne of his brother seleucus iv who died. Attempting to identify this little horn, commentators have applied three different methods preterist, futurist, and historicist of prophetic interpretation to the texts. King antiochus returned from egypt in 168 bc, enraged by his.

Critics transfer this interpretation to daniel 7 and 8 and then also interpret the evil hornking in these chapters as antiochus iv. Antiochus iv epiphanes volume 29 1910 leather bound phillips barry. The name epiphanes means the illustrious one, although his contemporaries nicknamed him epimanes, meaning. Before his death seleucus philopater had sent his son to rome in exchange for his brother antiochus iv. The second main part of the book in the hebrew bible viixii is taken up with four visions which daniel describes in the first person. The prophecies of daniel are accurate down to the career of antiochus iv epiphanes, king of syria and oppressor of the jews, but not in its prediction of his death. Modern bible commentators are almost unanimous in seeing the greek king, antiochus iv epiphanes, as the fulfillment of the little horn of daniel, chapter 8. Here is where multitudes of sincere people misapply the scripture and take the whole vision of daniel 8 and apply it before christ came to a small point in time. What is the relationship between antiochus epiphanes and the abomination of.

This paper will focus onthe seleucidking knownas antiochus iv epiphanes, whoruledover the seleucid empire from 175164 bc. In addition to being well known for his atrocities against the jews that led to the maccabean revolt, he is also a key figure in the book of daniel where he is referred to in both chapter eight and chapter eleven. Daniel s prophecies focus on a prince of persia who will come out of the east in the image of antiochus iv epiphanes. Antiochus was the first seleucid king to use divine epithets on coins, perh.

Even though his actual name isnt used in the book, antiochus iv epiphanes is the big enemy, the main villain. In their commentary on the book of daniel, newsom and. It was further supplemented with daniels prayer which creates. The most obvious conclusion would be that the book of daniel was written at the time of the profanation of the temple by antiochus iv, during the maccabean revolt which that sacrilege provoked. Antiochus iv given the fact that god uses antiochus iv to prefigure the person and reign of the antichrist, we are well advised to ponder the ignoble career of. After vanquishing antiochus and the seleucids, the jews cleaned and restored the temple in 165. The conflicts of antiochus iv with egypt are predicted in daniel 11. Oct 21, 2011 antiochus iv a type of the antichrist october 21, 2011 the prophecies of daniel focus on events connected with ancient world powers, such as babylon, the persian empire, the kingdom of alexander, the hellenistic kingdoms of the diadochi, the roman empire.

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