Post below knee amputation exercises pdf

Post op information this package contains information to help as you begin the recovery process following your amputation. Information about pain management following amputation. Try aiming to do up to 10 of each exercise, up to twice a day. These are core exercises that can be completed following a below knee or above knee amputation. If you experience any pain or discomfort stop doing the exercises and seek. Instructions do these exercises with your residual limb the leg that had surgery. Physiotherapy inter regional prosthetic audit group, london, united kingdom introduction this sheet has been designed to help you remember the exercises that you have been taught by your physiotherapist. Amputation through the thigh is second in frequency only to belowtheknee amputation. The following exercises must be done every day to prevent any complications. After a below the knee amputation, it is important to prevent the hip and knee from staying in a bent or flexed position. Regain full motion at your hip and knee decrease stiffness. Instructions about activities and exercises to help you maximize your.

Below knee amputee home exercise program it is important that you take an active role in your rehabilitation. Following these guidelines will help maximize your level of function. The positioning instructions and exercises in this program are designed to help you. The exercises and stretches in this handout will help to prepare you to wear a prosthesis properly. The major compensatory patterns, therefore, that allow below knee amputees to run appear to be an increase in stance phase hip muscle work on the prosthetic limb and increased hip. These exercises help your residual limb relearn how to tolerate.

All of the exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. Transtibial below knee manual preprosthetic considerations 7 preprosthetic considerations 12 weeks after amputation within the first couple of weeks following amputation you should begin to do what are called desensitization exercises. Increase muscle strength, so you can move more easily on your own. The following exercises must be done every day to prevent complications. If you are unsure what to do, please do not attempt the exercises, but contact your physiotherapist for advice. The activities and exercises will be supervised by your therapist. Below knee amputee exercise program stage one it is important that you take an active role in your rehabilitation.

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